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There Are Signs Everywhere

Sr. Miriam Elizabeth, OSH

“There are signs everywhere.”  Fools Rush In is a 1997 romantic comedy movie, with love found, lost and found again. For the couple involved, there are signs everywhere to help them find their way, to remind them of one another, to show them the next step forward to surrender to love. The question is, are they paying attention to the signs?


We might ask the same thing. Are we paying attention? Our scriptures point to signs everywhere. While war, both within our own governmental structures and across the world, makes the headlines day after day, the psalmist reminds us that God is in the business of rebuilding, of gathering exiles, healing the brokenhearted and binding up their wounds. While we might be living on the edge of stress about day-to-day things like navigating calendars, responsibilities, and relationships, God is calling the stars by name, preparing rain to feed the grass, providing food for flocks and herds, and satisfying us with grains and green plants. The snow, the hail, the wind and the waters are all within God’s purview, signs of God’s Word and presence (Ps. 147).


The writer of John’s gospel was paying attention and reminds us that the Word has been present since the beginning (John 1:1). God spoke the Word and light appeared and then a dome called sky; then dry land, stars, sun, and moon; then creatures of the sea, land and air. Then God spoke the Word and created humankind (Gen. 1:1-26). Signs of God’s Word and presence are everywhere.

And still, we miss them. There’s a lot going on in the world, and in our lives; and it’s easy to get distracted by overwhelm, grief, and fatigue. Even righteous anger at the wrongs in the world can be a distraction, causing us to miss the signs. The blessing is that God knows our pain, our distractions, our overwhelm, and has compassion; and responds with the greatest sign of all – Love incarnate.


So here we are in these Christmas days, celebrating the glory of the Word made flesh. From the fullness of the child Jesus, born of Mary and laid in a manger, we have received grace upon grace. Amid all the overwhelm and distractions, this living Word made flesh is God’s offer to us. It’s another chance to pay attention, to look for the signs of God that are everywhere and to, once again, surrender to love.


--Sr Miriam Elizabeth, OSH


Where are you seeing signs of God’s Word and presence in your life and in the world?

What distracts you from seeing the signs?


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Jan 04
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I see God's signs daily. Sometimes my grief over a family situation blinds me with anger and frustration. Giving it over to God is a daily thing. Then I seem to take it back. In this message from you today, I see God's signs. And I am reminded of HIS divine love for me. He came in the flesh and HE understands. Thank you! I needed this today.


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